Junk cars are vehicles that no longer function correctly or at all. They are damaged enough that selling them to obtain some money will be better than spending huge sums on their repairs. Selling your old car can be painful to some people as it holds a wave of memories for them but everything has a life span. Below are some issues that will help you determine that if your car is a junk car and if it's time to sell it: 1. Damage- The car's condition is severely deteriorated with some or more parts of the vehicle being missing or mangled like tires, motors, etc. Some things can be changed temporarily but might occur again, meaning more expenses to be bored. Cash of cars in Independence provides the best, highest possible price for your junk car and even has a pickup facility, so you don't have to travel to sell it. 2. High Maintenance Cost- If you spend huge chunks of money on regular repair and digging a hole in your pocket, this might be a si...